A study by Rubén Rumbaut, sociology professor, is featured in The Boston Globe on September 25, 2009
Victoria Bernal, anthropology associate professor, is quoted in Time.com on September 25, 2009
Three new faculty members in economics, political science and sociology expand school's interdisciplinary research strengths
Mark Petracca, political science professor, is quoted in the Sacramento Bee on September 24, 2009
Donald Saari, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Economics, is quoted on Minnesota Public Radio News on September 23, 2009
Social Sciences welcomes nearly 1300 new freshmen, transfers and graduate students to campus for fall 2009
Jan Brueckner, economics professor, is quoted in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on September 18, 2009
Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is featured in a PBS special on Second Life on September 18, 2009
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