Name Title Center/Department Room/Phone Contact Info
Aanstoos, Kristen Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 663  
Adam, Ahmed Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Adekoya, Temilade Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Aguayo, Kanbra Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Aguayo, Lynda Shanell Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Ahadian, Babak Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Ainsworth, Aaron Ph.D. Student, UC Irvine School of Education Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Ainsworth, Nicholas Ph.D. Student, UC Irvine School of Education Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Al-Mudhayan, Majed Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Aleman, Diego Enrique Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Alexander, Wesley Graduate Student Department of Economics
Alhamedi, Tawfiq Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Alkhelaifi, Alreem Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Allen, Pharrell Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Alomri, Saleh Graduate Student Department of Economics
Alvarado, Elliott Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Alvarez, Gabriel PhD Candidate, Criminology, Law & Society, UCI School of Social Ecology Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Amini, Gabriella Master's Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Amirseyedian, Mona Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Ancil Rangazas, Gabriel Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Anderson, Emily Hope Graduate Student Department of Economics
Anderson, Gabriel Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Angara, Noah Graduate Student Department of Economics
Angelidis, Angelo Graduate Student Department of Economics
Aparicio, Gaby Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Aref, Nahreen Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Arends, Alyssa Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Arreguin Vega, Julian Graduate Student Global and International Studies
503 Social Science Tower  
Atienza, Jake Graduate Student Global and International Studies
509 Social Science Tower   
Augustine, Dallas Graduate Student Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Aydoner, Veli Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Azedi, Arman Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Azimi Asrari, Hojjat Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Azzara, Monique Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Bae, Shannon Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Migration Network
Bague-Sampson, Faith Graduate Student Department of Economics
Baidildinova, Moldir Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Banet, Jeremie Graduate Student Department of Economics
Banuelos, Maricela Graduate Student in Education Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Department of Sociology
Baradaran, Arman Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Barajas, Jennifer Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Baricuatro, Malia Graduate Student Global and International Studies
515 Social Science Tower  
Barjaba, Joniada Graduate Student  
Baroja Manzano, Jose Luis Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Barrios Mateo, Elisabet Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Bashyam, Sharanya Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Bauman, Rachel Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bayston, Leah Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Beck, Jacqueline Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Beers, Mark Allen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Berlin, Mark Graduate Student  
Bernal, Henry Graduate Student Department of Economics
Bernatzky, Colin Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Berry, Reid Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bhalla-Ladd, India Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Bhallamudi, Isha Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bhat, Reiya Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Migration Network
Bin Kashem, Tauhid Sayeed Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Migration Network
SSPB 5282  
Bisht, Biraj Ph.D. Student, UC Irvine School of Education Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Boka, Debra Michelle Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Boko, Semassa Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bonds, Damien Gradute Student Department of Sociology
Bonham, Jason Graduate Student in Public Health Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Bonner, MacKenzie Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bookwala, Kamal Sarah Graduate Student Department of Economics
Booras, Alexa Kyoko Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Borges de Carvalho Silva, Carlos Eduardo Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Bourdon, Kaylin Jude Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Bradford, Nora Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Bradley, Clara Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Brereton, Cameo Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Brisson, Ben Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Social Science Tower 669  
Brunson, John Master's Student Department of Political Science
Budner, Jeremy Graduate Student Department of Economics
Burke, Sarah Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Burns, Jacqueline Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Bustos, Brenda Graduate Student in Public Health Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Cabrera, Jennifer Graduate Student Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Department of Sociology
Cabrera Lucero, Reyna Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Cafferty, Joshua Charles Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Cai, Yiping Graduate Student Global and International Studies
507 Social Science Tower  
Calderon, Darnell Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Campos, Santiago Graduate Student Department of Economics
Canty, Samantha Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Carlos, Alfredo Graduate Student  
Carter, Aidan Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Castañeda, Maximianne Graduate Student Department of Economics
Castorena, Angeles Rubi Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Ceballos, Michelle Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Ceja, Vanessa Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Cendejas, Monique A. Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Chang, Chih-Chao (Will) Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Chau, Brandon Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Chau, Elizabeth Sui-Ying Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Chen, Qindian (Frank) Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Chen, Ryan Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Chen, Yunke Graduate School Department of Cognitive Sciences
Cheung Fok, Ming Graduate Student Department of Economics
Chih-Hua Tseng, Chris Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Choi, Daniel Graduate Student  
Choi, Yeryeng Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Chong, Michelle Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Christensen, Mackenzie Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Chung, Carter Lok-sun Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Chunga Pizarro, Carlo Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Chávez De la Peña, Adriana Felisa Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2323  
Cisneros-Arroyo, Lupita Graduate Student Global and International Studies
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
511 Social Science Tower  
Ciudad-Real, Victoria Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Clark, Brent Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Coates, Matthew Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Colello, Gabriella Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Compall, Benjamin Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Copeman-Papas, Atalanta Elizabeth Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Cordova, Sherley Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Cornelius, Michelle Godwin Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Costigliolo, Erin Marie Graduate Student Department of Economics
Cotton, Tori Helen Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Couttolenc González, Valeria Graduate Student Global and International Studies
517 Social Science Tower  
Crawford, Neil Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SST 731   
Cruzette Francisco, Jenilene Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Cuffe, John Graduate Student  
D'Angelo, Eric Graduate Student Department of Political Science
D'Cruz, Aakanksha Graduate Student Global and International Studies
511 Social Science Tower  
Dang, Trinh Graduate Student Global and International Studies
517 Social Science Tower  
Dave, Abhishek Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
De Ciantis, Alexandra Graduate Student Department of Political Science
De La Torre, Gamaliel Graduate Student Department of Economics
DeSilva, Upuli Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Deacon, John T. Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Deken, Nathaniel Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Delgado Laurens, Maira Graduate Student Global and International Studies
Migration Network
507 Social Science Tower  
Demir, Nazim Uras Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Dickson, Niels Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Ding, Nan Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Ding, Suchen Graduate Student, Humanities Migration Network
Dobyns, Adian Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Dosenko, Hanna Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Du, Faith Mater's Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Dye, Isobel Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Díaz García, Andréa Linette Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Ebersberger, Jarrett Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Ebmer, Stefan Graduate Student Department of Economics
Edwards, Levi Graduate Student Department of Economics
Egecioglu, Alisa Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Erkenbrack, Matthew Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Espino, Josefina Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Espinoza, Alondra Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Evci, Uğurcan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 2264   
Famodu, Temi Graduate Student Global and International Studies
531 Social Science Tower  
Farrell, Margaret Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Fekrat, Nasim Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Migration Network
Fenstemacher, Kory Graduate Student Department of Economics
Figgins, James Arie Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Finn, Charles Graduate Student Global and International Studies
SST 503  
Fisher, Margaux Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Fitzgerald, Bryan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Fitzpatrick, Michael Graduate Student Department of Economics
Flores, Brian Joseph Graduate Student in English Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Freeman, Nicholas Calvin Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Fu, Yu Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Fucci, Nicholas Graduate Student Department of Economics
Funes, Katherine Graduate Student Global and International Studies
531 Social Science Tower  
Gallay, Gracie Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Gamez, Diana Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Gao, Yuhan Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Garcia, Dante Alvin Graduate Student in History Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Garcia, Marilyn Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Garcia-Macias, Angelica Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Gardner, Michelle Kim Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 609   
Gardner III, Richard Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Garduño De La Vega, Sab Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Garg, Mridula Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Gasviani, Gvantsa Graduate Student Global and International Studies
515 Social Science Tower  
Geneciran, Joma Graduate Student Global and International Studies
509 Social Science Tower  
Genta, Benjamin Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Gerges, Nardeen Master's Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Ghosh, Udita Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Gibson, True Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Gilmore, Amy Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Gilmore, James Graduate Student Department of Economics
Giovanni, Elle Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Glass, Jacob Graduate Student
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Goldstein, Jordan Master's Student Demographics and Social Analysis
Gonzales, Elizabeth Victoria Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Gonzalez, Natalia Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Gonzalez, Veronica Graduate Student in Criminology, Law and Society Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Goodsell, Rebecca Department of Sociology
Gordon, Sydney Graduate Student Department of Economics
Gracheva, Ksenia Department of Sociology
Grant, Jala Graduate Student Global and International Studies
511 Social Science Tower  
Gray, Dylan Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Greenwood, John David Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Griffin, Santeiu Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Gu, Eric Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Gu, Yuting Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Guan, Guiyou Graduate Student Department of Economics
Guerra, Athenas Viane Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Gutierrez, Jose Jesus Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Hackney, Brandon Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hagen, Jane Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Hakim, Gina Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Halbasch, Chris Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Halliday, Kylie Grace Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Hansen, Andrew Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSL 395  
Hemze, Leah Graduate Student SST 640  
Henry, Joseph Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Hermawan, Karina Graduate Student Transportation Science
Herrera, Emily Roche Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Herrera Guevara, Isabel Alessandra Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hertenstein, Hannah Ph.D. Student Department of Sociology
Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Hii, Doreen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Hilinski, Hunter Raymond Ph.D. Candidate Department of Political Science
Social Science Tower 667  
Hoballah, Muneira Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Houchin, Lauren Abigail Graduate Student in the School of Medicine Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Howard, Peyton Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Hower, Rae Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Hu, Xinyue Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hu, Xixiang Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Huang, Constance Graduate Student
Huang, Peng Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Huang, Yiwen Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Hubbard, Carlos Graduate Student
Huggett, Kai Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Huo, Shutong Graduate Student in Public Health Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Hussain, Akbar Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Huynh, Michael Graduate Student, Public Health Migration Network
Imel, Nathaniel Graduate Student Department of Linguistics
Isaac, Mary Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Itzel, Giovanna Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Jaime, Sofia Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Jarrett, Keith Edward Graduate Student  
Jeffrey, Wesley Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Jensen, Warren Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Jenson, Alexis Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Ji, Chu Graduate Student Department of Economics
Ji, Zaoying (Cherry) Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Jia Hao Ho, Jonas Graduate Student Department of Economics
Jimenez, Evelyn Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Jimenez Bacardi, Arturo Graduate Student  
Jones, Alison Graduate Student Global and International Studies
507 Social Science Tower  
Jorgenson, Emily Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Jung, Scott Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Kachakeche, Zeinab Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Kaiser Olhagaray, Daniela Graduate Student in Criminology, Law & Society Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Kala, Jyotsana Graduate Student Department of Economics
Kamanzi, Anna Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Kang, Jessica Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Kaper, Rochelle Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Karnawat, Shubham Graduate Student Department of Economics
Kelly, Katelyn Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 659  
Kennefick, Kristen Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Khoudary, Ari Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Kidd, William Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Kim, Boyun Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Kim, Christine Ji-Young Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Kim, Dohyung Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Kim, Hae Seo Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Kim, Haeun Graduate Student Department of Economics
Kim, Jinna Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Kim, Jisun Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Kim, Jongho Graduate Student Department of Economics
Kim, Minkyu Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2240    
Kim, Minyoung Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Kim-Larsen, Mette A. E. Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Kimura, Kelli Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Kooklan, Lila  
Korf, Rebecca Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Kouchekinia, Noah Graduate Student Department of Economics
Ku, Jackie Chuan Yin Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Kumar, Shipra Graduate Student Department of Economics
Kutt, Brody Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Landaverry, Savannah Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Lara, Orlando Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Migration Network
Lauman-Lairson, Jessica Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Lawson, Jeremiah Scott Department of Sociology
Le, Tom Phuong Graduate Student  
Lee, Jaehyun Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Lee, Julian Tyler Graduate Student SST 655   
Lee, Juwon Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Lee, Mingiu Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SSPB 5288  
Lee, Renee Graduate Student Department of Economics
Lee, Wondong Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Lee, Woo Jung (Amy) Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Irvine Program in Public Health | Health, Society, & Behavior Migration Network
Leonard, Russell Graduate Student Department of Economics
Levin, Kyle Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Levitt, Rachel Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Li, Jiaxuan Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Li, Yanting Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Li, Zeyu Graduate Student Department of Economics
Li, ZhaoBin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Liang, Tengyuan Graduate Student Department of Economics
Ligon, Skyler Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Lin, Xin Graduate Student Department of Economics
Liu, Amy Gong Ph.D. Student Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Liu, Yujia Ph.D. Student, UC Irvine School of Education Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Livas, Selena Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Lockwood, Emily Master's Student Demographics and Social Analysis
Long, Michael Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Lopez-Wild, Josiah Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Louie, Schuyler Graduate Student Department of Economics
Lourie, Tom Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Lowood, Paul Graduate Student Department of Economics
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Lu, Yiming Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Luciano, Jonathan Tyler Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Ma, Xue Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Machavariani, Sophio Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Maciel, Marcelo Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Maciocco, Alex Graduate Student Department of Economics
Mackin, Sean Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Magana Gamero, Mariana Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Mahmassani, Amine Graduate Student
Transportation Science
Mahmood, Syeda Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Mai, Sabrina Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Malae, Katelyn Rose Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Malimba, Ben-Jamin Master's Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Maresca, Alexandra Rose Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Marin, Estefani Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Martin, Alyssa Graduate Student, Humanities Migration Network
Martinez, Caroline Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Martinez Ordaz, Adan Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Mason, Curtis Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SST 764  
Masud, Melanie  
Mata, Vicente Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Mauter, Garrett Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Maver, Sarah Elizabeth Master's Student Demographics and Social Analysis
Mayer, Lukas William Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
McAllister, Maeve Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
McGrath, Andrew James Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
McKenzie, Lucus Daniel Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Mcculla, Evan Corzett Graduate Student SST 640  
Medriano, Kathleen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mehrvarz, Mahbod Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mehta, Yogesh Graduate Student Department of Economics
Menchaca, Isaac Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mendez, Geidy Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Mercier, Antoine Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Mihaley, Zora Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Miller-Vedam, Zoe Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Mills, Scott Allen Graduate Student  
Mok, Chit Wai John Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Monnet, Jessica
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Moore, Jenica Graduate Student
Morales, Celina Graduate Student, Public Health Migration Network
Morales Hernandez, Martha Arhemi Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Morcos, Mirette Ayman Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Morehouse, Allison Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Morgan, Samuel Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
SST 640  
Mousaviyan, Sepehr Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Msami, Safia Graduate Student Global and International Studies
531 Social Science Tower  
Much, Melina Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 640   
Muehlmann, Liz Ph.D. Candidate Department of Political Science
Mundy, Ryan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Murillo, Julybeth Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Murray-Watters, Alexander Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Muñoz, Rojelio Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Naci, Silvi Graduate Student Global and International Studies
509 Social Science Tower   
Nadurata, Edward Kenneth Lazaro Graduate Student Global and International Studies
Migration Network
531 Social Science Tower  
Nainan, Jemini Sara Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Nakamine, Natalie  
Nanda, Preetika Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Ng, Tessa Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Nienstedt, Liliane Ph.D. Student, Vanderbilt University Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Ninomiya, Risa Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Nyenhuis, Robert Edgar Max Graduate Student  
Orozco, Mateo Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Ouyang, Shirley Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Ozkurt, Seyfullah Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Pacheco, Jahaira Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Pae, Hongju Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Paez Gallardo, Guillermo Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Paine, Spencer Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Pandey, Nidhi Graduate Student Department of Economics
Parikh, Kiyaan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Park Jang, Suyeon Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Peng, Kevin Graduate Student Department of Economics
Perez, Arlette Cruz Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Perez Lopez, Jenniffer Cecilia Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Perut, Melisa Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Pham, Barbara Truc Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Pham, Khanh Graduate Student Department of Economics
Phikrohkit, Gunn Graduate Student Global and International Studies
517 Social Science Tower  
Phillips, Shanna Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Piffard, Berns Mater's Student Demographics and Social Analysis
Pitch, Anthony Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Piña, Alex Graduate Student Global and International Studies
Summer Academic Enrichment Program
515 Social Science Tower   
Plaskon, Savannah Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Pomoy, Armaine Master's Student Demographics and Social Analysis
Prabhu, Sharath Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Preciado, Emanuel Graduate Student in Urban Planning and Public Policy Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Puchko Wilson, Iuliia Oleksandra Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Pullen, Ainsley May Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Puretz, Danielle Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Qu, Yang Graduate Student Department of Economics
Rabach, Kaitlyn Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Raber, Tiffany Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 1317   
Radsky, Vitaly Ph.D. Student, University of North Carolina Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Rahman, Tariq Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Rajshekar, Abhimanyu Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Ramakrishnan, Vandana Thandassery Graduate Student Department of Economics
Raqib, Muhammad Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Rashidi Jouybari, Fateme Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Redman, Nathan Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Reyes, Alex Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Reyes, Edgar Graduate Student Department of Economics
Richard, Kyaana Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Riffenburgh, Kelley Graduate Student, Education Migration Network
Rijal, Sweta Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Rivera, Sebastian Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Roberts, Maxwell Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Robles, Jozef Callán Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Rochon, Grey Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Rodda, Patricia Charlotte Graduate Student  
Rodgers, Brianna Nicole Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Rodriguez, Darwin Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Rodriguez, Nalya Arabelle Fenella Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Rondem, Christoper Graduate Student
Roscigno, Saverio Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Rosengren-Hovee, Evelyn Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Roskin-Frazee, Amelia Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Rowland, Alisson Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Rugui, Safari Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Ruiz Malagon, Juan Carlos Graduate Student in Global Health Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Rumphorst, Johannes Graduate Student Department of Economics
Russell, Sarah Master's Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Sadri, Homa Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Salehi, Maryam Graduate Student, Humanities Migration Network
Salimitari, Babak Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Samuels, Camille Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Sanchez, Rosie Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Sandoval Contreras, Maribel Graduate Student, Social Ecology Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
Sanford, Melissa Graduate Student Global and International Studies
507 Social Science Tower  
Santa Elena, Ryan Nicholas Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Sauchelli, Ryan Graduate Student  
Schuetz, Tim Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Schugurensky, Ana Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Schwarz, Tanya Brooke Graduate Student  
Serrano, Anibal Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Setyaeva, Anna Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 640  
Shen, Angela Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Shen, Tailai Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Sherrange, Derek Graduate Student Global and International Studies
503 Social Science Tower  
Shi, Ellen Yunjie Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Shieh, Yi-Hsiang Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Shin, Swan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Shuster, Alessandra Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Si, Shucun Graduate Student Department of Economics
Siddiqui, Mohammad Amaan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Sidiqi, Miena Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Silva Souza Dias, Julia Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Silverman, Taylor Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Sisco, Kaitlyn Christine Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Slattery, Jessica Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Slavick, Ervin Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Smullen, Em Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Soifer, Isabelle Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Solomon, Johanna Graduate Student SST 659  
Son, Jiwon Graduate Student Department of Economics
Song, Dabin Graduate Student Department of Economics
Song, Yongjia Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Span, Michael Graduate Student Department of Economics
Spencer, Morgan Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Spiegel, Elijah Wright Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Srigyan, Prerna Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Stanley, Sarah Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Stom, Joshua Graduate Student Department of Political Science
SST 667  
Strobel, Connor Department of Sociology
Sukmono, Banin Diar Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Sun, Qinhua (Jenny) Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SSL 380  
Sutherland, Jacob Ph.D. Candidate - ABD Department of Political Science
Swank, Joshua Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Taghvaiee, Jessica Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Migration Network
Tamulis, Bron Graduate Student SST 667  
Tang, Linfeng Graduate Student Department of Economics
Tannous, Katherine Alissar Graduate Student Global and International Studies
511 Social Science Tower  
Tanrisever, Idil Graduate Student Department of Economics
Tassara, Danielle Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Tebbe, Margaret Louise Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Tejeda Lemus, Heliodoro Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Thomas, Loring James Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Thotapalli Arun, Advitha Graduate Student Department of Economics
Tien, Demetrius Graduate Student Global and International Studies
509 Social Science Tower  
Titus, Sam Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Tong, Jiahang Graduate Student Department of Economics
Torabian Esfahani, Sajjad Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Torres, Ashley Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Torres, Charles Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Torres Baker, Jessica Graduate Student, Social Ecology Migration Network
Torres Baker, Jessica Lynn Graduate Student in Urban Planning and Policy Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Torsell, Christian Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Tracht, Daniel Graduate Student Department of Economics
Tran, Joshua Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Truong, Michelle Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Tsapalas, Daphne Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Upadhye, Shiva Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Uttara Kushal, Shreya Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Uzoigwe, Peremoboere Tracy Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Valehli, Fikrat Graduate Student Department of Economics
Van Gyseghem, Zoë Graduate Student Global and International Studies
517 Social Science Tower  
Van Orden, Mark Graduate Student Department of Economics
VanDrunen, Jacob King Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Vasquez, Jennifer Graduate Student, Humanities Migration Network
Vasquez, Yvette Raquel Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Velasquez Salvador, Chelcy Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Villalba Madrid, Mariela Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Migration Network
Vukojevic, Ivan Anton Graduate Student Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Wainwright, Anna Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Waleed, Syed Mir Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Wan, Jie Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Wang, Cindy Gradute Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Wang, Lu Graduate Student Department of Economics
Wang, Tom Graduate Student Department of Economics
Wang, Xueliang Graduate Student Department of Economics
Wangdak, Tenzing Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Watanabe, Kenta Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SSL 184  
Weaver, Holly Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Wei, Xinyue Graduate Student Department of Political Science
Westfaul, Elane Ph.D. Candidate Department of Political Science
Westrich, Benjamin Graduate Student Department of Economics
Weymouth-Little, Kelsey Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Wigod, Lauren Graduate Student Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Williams, Joanna Graduate Student Department of Economics
Wilson, Roberto Graduate Student Department of Economics
Winer, Canton Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Wohl, Emma Graduate Student Department of Economics
Wolfe, Cassidy Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Wood, Lacey Marie Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Woodruff, Margaret Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Wu, Ya-Ning Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Xu, Weijie Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Yadav, Nitesh Graduate Student Department of Economics
Yang, Shanglin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Yang, Zhengyuan Graduate Student Department of Economics
Yeaton, Jeremy Graduate Student Center for Language Science
Yoo, Jungsun Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Yoon, Jeeyoung Graduate Student Department of Economics
Young, Timothy Ph.D. Job Market Candidate Department of Economics
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Youngmin Yoo, Paul Ph.D. Student, UC Irvine School of Education Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Yuan, Fei Graduate Student Department of Anthropology
Yuan, Weijun Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Zhang, Chen Graduate Student Department of Economics
Zhou, Chi Graduate Student Department of Economics
Zhou, Xinling Graduate Student Department of Sociology
Zhou, Zhibin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Zhu, Yunqing Graduate Student Department of Economics
Zong, Yufei Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences