Michael McBride, economics professor and Experimental Social Sciences Lab director, is featured in the Washington Post June 1, 2012
Alina Sookasian, social sciences commencement speaker, got over her fear of public speaking through UCI Law Forum
Myles Brady, business economics and anthropology undergrad, credits the summer program with much of his UCI success
Elizabeth Sowers, recipient of the 2012 Dean’s Endowed Fellowship, developed an early love for logistics
Bill Maurer, anthropology professor and Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, is quoted in IEEE Spectrum's June 2012 issue
An op-ed by Courtney Kravitz, political science undergrad, is featured in the Jewish Journal May 30, 2012
A documentary by Gilbert Gonzalez, UCI Chicano/Latino studies professor emeritus, and Vivian Price, an alumna of UCI’s political science doctoral program, is featured in the Forest Grove News Times May 31, 2012
Patrick Manh Le, fourth-year international studies major, is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle May 31, 2012
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