Sociologist Jennifer Lee on The Asian American Achievement Paradox, courtesy of CNN Money, Oct. 14, 2015
Alyssa Brewer, cognitive sciences professor, is featured in the Orange County Register Oct. 14, 2015
Ruben Rumbaut, sociology Distinguished Professor, on immigrants and crime, courtesy of Newsweek Oct. 14, 2015
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, comments in the International Business Times Oct. 13, 2015
Research on how incarceration affects families earns sociologist more than $500K in grant funding and ASA award
New book, elected to Sociological Research Association, chair-elect of ASA section and deputy editor of American Sociological Review
Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor, is quoted in The New Yorker Oct. 12, 2015
Cognitive sciences prof Don Hoffman says highly unlikely - images are not universal communication, vision evolves
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