Jan Brueckner, economics professor and department chair, is quoted in the Los Angeles Times, News.gnom.es.com, Chicago Tribune and TradingCharts December 15, 2012
Jim Weatherall, logic & philosophy of science assistant professor, is featured in the Wall Street Journal Market Watch, Fox Business and Denver Post December 13, 2012
Lilith Mahmud, women's studies, anthropology and culture and theory assistant professor, is quoted in the Pravda.ur December 13, 2012
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is quoted in Yahoo! News Canada, Winnipeg Free Press, News Talk 980, Yahoo! Canada Finance, and MSN Canada December 12, 2012
Greg Hickok, cognitive sciences professor and Center for Language Science director, is quoted in Psychology Today December 10, 2012
Andrew Penner, sociology assistant professor, is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times December 9, 2012
Jackie Lacey, '79 psychology, is featured by myfoxla, ContraCostaTimes.com, Press Telegram and Daily Breeze December 03, 2012
Center for Networks and Relational Analysis, headed by sociologist Carter Butts, fosters interdisciplinary research
Intel Science & Technology Center for Social Computing, co-led by anthropologist Bill Maurer, provides window into the future of social computing
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in The Denver Post December 2, 2012
2012 marks the highest grossing year for graduate grants and fellowships in social sciences
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