David Meyer

“(2024) Joe Biden walked a picket line earlier this year, the first president to do so. His appearance was successful effort to show his commitment to organized labor, and labor has reciprocated; large unions have endorsed the Democratic presidential ticket, even though Biden is no longer on it. Sean Fain, leader of the United Auto Workers, spoke at the Democratic National Convention. Shawn O’Brien, leader of the Teamsters, spoke at the Republican Convention, but was emphatic in explaining that it didn’t mean the Teamsters supported Donald Trump. Both leaders have adopted a more aggressive posture than their predecessors in dealing with contemporary politics. We may be entering a new era of effective labor militancy–a recurrent, and usually wrong, prediction. Labor Day is a good time to take stock, and a full accounting starts with the origins of an odd American holiday.”

Continue reading: https://politicsoutdoors.com/2024/09/02/a-day-for-labor-2024-repost/