What kept SCR’s Paula Tomei coming back for 4 decades

What kept SCR’s Paula Tomei coming back for 4 decades
- August 6, 2024
- Paula Tomei, alumnus, American Theatre, Aug. 6, 2024
“I didn’t know how much of the bug I had till I went to UC Irvine as a biological sciences major, thinking I would be a dentist. Two years in organic chemistry told me I wasn’t going to be a dentist. So I segued into economics, because at the time, UCI I didn’t have a business school, so I thought, well, it’s close, and I can still spend a lot of time in the arts, which I love. So I was over on the fine arts side of the campus a lot; I took a lot of dance courses, I had lighting design, stage management, all the theatre things that I loved.” says [Paula] Tomei.
For the full story, please visit https://www.americantheatre.org/2024/08/06/what-kept-scrs-paula-tomei-coming-back-for-4-decades/.
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