Opinion: I teach English literature to incarcerated students. I’ve learned so much.

Opinion: I teach English literature to incarcerated students. I’ve learned so much.
- June 21, 2024
- UCI LIFTED, The San Diego-Tribute, June 21, 2024 (Opinion Commentary)
Annie McClanahan, associate professor of English at UC Irvine writes, “When I tell people I teach English literature courses to incarcerated UC Irvine students, they typically ask me whether teaching at the prison is different from teaching on campus. I give the kind of ambiguous answer people probably expect to hear from a humanities professor — “It’s complicated. … Like our on-campus UCI students, the LIFTED students are in college for practical reasons as well as for love of learning. They are doing it for themselves; they are doing it for their parents or kids. They are in college to honor their ancestors; they are there to break a family pattern.”
For the full story, please visit https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2024/06/21/opinion-learning-doesnt-just-happen-in-classrooms-i-teach-english-literature-to-incarcerated-students/.
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