Former President Trump gains support vs. President Biden in new poll

Former President Trump gains support vs. President Biden in new poll
- September 20, 2023
- Tony Smith, poli sci, KNX, Sept. 20, 2023 (Audio)
KNX In Depth’s Charles Feldman and Rob Archer discuss a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll that finds President Biden and former President Trump tied with 44% support among registered voters. Tony Smith is a political science professor at UC Irvine. “What I would say is really two things on this. One is, we ought to be very cautious about the presidential race polls at this point in time because they’re not very predictive of what the real life is going to look like a year and a half from now… Secondly, pollsters tend to fix their last election’s problems, not their current election’s problems,” says Smith.
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