Opinion: With overturning of affirmative action, Asian Americans became political pawns. Again.

Opinion: With overturning of affirmative action, Asian Americans became political pawns. Again.
- July 12, 2023
- Claire Jean Kim, poli sci and Asian American studies, Religion News Service, MSN, July 12, 2023 (Opinion)
However, as Claire Jean Kim, professor of political science and Asian American studies at the University of California, Irvine, recognizes, telling the story of “Asian Americans as a model minority who have made it on their own cultural steam only to be victimized by the ‘reverse discrimination’ of race-conscious programs allows White opinion makers to lambast such programs without appearing racist — or to reassert their racial privileges while abiding by the norms of colorblindness. It allows them to displace what is fundamentally a White–non-White conflict over resources (higher education, jobs, businesses, contracts) onto a proxy skirmish between non-Whites, thus shifting attention away from the exercise of White racial power.”
For the full story, please visit https://religionnews.com/2023/07/12/scotus-allowed-asian-americans-to-be-political-pawns-in-a-white-proxy-battle/.
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