Did President Biden walk away from the debt ceiling deal a winner?

Did President Biden walk away from the debt ceiling deal a winner?
- June 2, 2023
- Tony Smith, poli sci, KNX Radio, June 2, 2023 (Audio)
KNX In Depth's Charles Feldman and Rob Archer discuss if President Biden got a big political win after Congress passed the debt ceiling legislation. Tony Smith is a political science and law professor at UC Irvine. “What we’ve got is actually government functioning despite the sort of drama queen lead-up to ‘are we going to default?’ Biden ran and said he’s going to be a bipartisan president. His biggest bills, including this one, have been bipartisan. But if you want to chalk up a win, look and see who voted for it – and you’ll see more Democrats voted for the bill in both the House and the Senate than Republicans,” says Smith.
For the full story, please visit https://omny.fm/shows/knxam-on-demand/did-president-biden-walk-away-from-the-debt-ceilin.
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