Is the U.S. ready for a viable third political party?

Is the U.S. ready for a viable third political party?
- January 31, 2023
- Tony Smith, poli sci, KNX In Depth, Jan. 31, 2023 (Audio)
KNX In Depth's Charles Feldman and Rob Archer discuss Gallup's findings that two out of every five Americans identified as politically independent last year. That's higher than people who identify as either Democrat or Republican. Tony Smith is a political science and law professor at UC Irvine… “I think we’re in a little different position than we’ve typically been with our independent-claiming voters. As you know, historically, someone who says they’re independent normally either votes for a Democrat or Republican most of the time. But this a little different, I think, because of Trump’s relationship with the Republican party,” says Smith.
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