Shiva Upadhye, UC Irvine language science graduate student, looks outside the box in the language science department
With China's population expected to halve by century's end, UCI sociologist Wang Feng examines Beijing's pivotal choice between reform and control in The Catalyst
Sebastián Calderón, history & anthropology undergrad, explores the Petr sticker culture at UCI in this piece on Medium
Lauren Ross, UC Irvine logic & philosophy of science, and Dani Bassett, University of Pennsylvania bioengineering, explain in this piece for The Transmitter
Unique undergraduate resource center featuring peer-assisted learning has served more than 8,500 students since its inception
UC Irvine global studies doctoral candidate Edward Nadurata's research on eldercare and global Filipino communities and the vital role of mentorship
UC Irvine cognitive sciences grad student Mahbod Mehrvarz tackles the "reliability crisis"
Eve Darian-Smith, global and international studies, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct. 2, 2024
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, Sky News Australia, Sept. 29, 2024 (Video)
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, Sky News Australia, Sept. 29, 2024 (Video)
Belinda Campos, UCI Chicano/Latino studies professor and chair, discusses PRIME-LC and cultural components that promote health
Undergraduate programs in economics and psychology ranked in nation's top 15 among public universities
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