Political science alumnus and Chancellor's Club scholar Valerie Dao, '08, receives Fulbright scholarship to study educational reform in Vietnam
High-jump champ and sociology undergrad Lauren Collins ends a record-setting season on track for the Olympics
Students in School of Social Sciences' Community Service and Leadership Program bring smiles, hope to Orange County community members
Roxanne Varzi, UCI anthropology associate professor, discusses dynamics of protesters in Iran
Economics professor Jan Brueckner discusses the future of plane, train and automobile travel
Distinction recognizes her scholarly contributions in the areas of international politics, economics and security
UCI social sciences research professor A. Kimball Romney creates new mathematical model to explain how the human eye sees color
UCI prof collaborates with international scholars to impact U.S-China relations, findings detailed in new book, Power and Restraint: A Shared Vision for the U.S.-China Relationship
New status denotes UC system-wide recognition for research topic complementary to goals of university, says Office of Research
Jumpstart outreach program volunteer uses acting to engage students in reading, receives national award for Spirit of Service; program helps pre-school students learn to read
Findings will help researchers learn if humans are hardwired to pick up language more quickly than other skills.
Anthropology graduate student Erin Moran studies Ireland's efforts to curtail immigration; findings could play role in U.S. immigration policy
Professor Tom Boellstorff gathers information in the virtual world about its appeal to growing numbers of participants
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