Georgia senate runoff: How Raphael Warnock secured democrats a 51st senate seat

Georgia senate runoff: How Raphael Warnock secured democrats a 51st senate seat
- December 6, 2022
- Michael Tesler, poli sci, FiveThirtyEight, Dec. 6, 2022
As a beagle owner and lover, I’d also like to note that [Raphael] Warnock has returned to a tried and tested format: an ad where he walks an adorable beagle. (Alvin, the star of the first ads, was not Warnock’s dog.) Michael Tesler, [UCI political science professor], has written for FiveThirtyEight about the racial politics of that ad and why a beagle was chosen to counteract stereotypes. We’ll see if the ad works again.
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