These political scientists surveyed 500,000 voters. Here are their unnerving conclusions.

These political scientists surveyed 500,000 voters. Here are their unnerving conclusions.
- October 28, 2022
- Michael Tesler, poli sci, The New York Times, Oct. 28, 2022 (Podcast)
EZRA KLEIN: The epicenter of this debate, Lynn, really I think comes out of the George Floyd moment. LYNN VAVRECK: Boy, there’s a lot to say about that moment in 2020. And here we had the help of our previous co-author Michael Tesler, [UCI political science professor], to help us work through all of this. … We looked at the local level, at county levels, at the number of events, protests that were held in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. And we tried to just map that on to voting behavior in those counties ….
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