Donald Trump's life of crime: Most books are clueless — these five explain him best

Donald Trump's life of crime: Most books are clueless — these five explain him best
- October 5, 2022
- Michael Tesler, poli sci, Salon, Oct. 5, 2022
The Economist posted a list this month entitled "What to read to understand Donald Trump," a list of five "handy books" from the overflowing library of volumes about the man who, as the editors put it, "remains at the center of American politics." These include the first major book about the Trump White House, Michael Wolff's 2018 "Fire and Fury," and several other classics of this mini-genre: "Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for the Meaning of America" by John Sides, Mich[a]el Tesler, [UCI professor of political science] and Lynn Vavreck …. But I would argue they explain far more about the boss' enablers and his MAGA supporters than they do about Trump himself, his 75 years of life or personal history.
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