Yatta Kiazolu


Yatta Kiazolu, global and international studies assistant professor, studies solidarities between African American and West African women in the era of decolonization. She has broad research interests in U.S. and African American history, women and gender studies, and contemporary African diaspora studies. Her first book, which is based on her dissertation, will examine the range of political visions and solidarities with African independence among Black women’s organizations in the U.S. from the 1950s through the 1970s. She’s also testified before U.S. Congress as an advocate for programs including Deferred Enforced Departure and DACA. 

Kiazolu has a bachelor's in history from Delaware State University and a master’s and doctorate in history from UCLA. For the past year, she’s been a UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC San Diego. She’s excited about her move to UCI and the opportunity to work within an interdisciplinary school and department.