Why the Democrats’ likely poor midterm performance this year may be of their own and Joe Biden’s making

Why the Democrats’ likely poor midterm performance this year may be of their own and Joe Biden’s making
- June 21, 2022
- Bernie Grofman, poli sci, London School of Economics Blog, June 21, 2022
As the November midterm elections approach, polling shows that the Democratic Party may well lose control of the US House and Senate. Bernard Grofman looks at why the Democratic Party – and President Joe Biden – may have fallen out of favor with much of the American public.
For the full story, please visit https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2022/06/21/why-the-democrats-likely-poor-midterm-performance-this-year-may-be-of-their-own-and-joe-bidens-making/.
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