Opinion: Trump poses a test democracy Is failing

Opinion: Trump poses a test democracy Is failing
- April 13, 2022
- Sara Goodman, poli sci, The New York Times, April 13, 2022 (Opinion)
In a March 2022 paper “Good Citizens’ in Democratic Hard Times,” Sara Wallace Goodman, [associate professor of political science], of the University of California, Irvine examined the growing disagreement among voters over what the obligations of a good citizen are. Goodman compared voter attitudes on what constitutes “good citizen” norms in 2004 and in 2019. A strikingly high level of agreement between Republicans and Democrats in 2004 had nearly disappeared by 2019, according to Goodman’s research ….
For the full story, please visit https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/13/opinion/trump-democracy-decline-fall.html.
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