Taiwan’s people are not impressed with China’s “Zero COVID” status

Taiwan’s people are not impressed with China’s “Zero COVID” status
- March 14, 2022
- Chit Wai John Mok, sociology, Nathan Kar Ming Chan, poli sci, and others explain, courtesy of the Brookings Institution
"The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan both boast of having among the lowest
COVID-19 death rates in the world. Although their political relations are rocky, success
with COVID-19 on both sides of the Strait helped maintain regional order. The PRC
is Taiwan’s closest neighbor, and thousands of people from Taiwan live and work there.
If the PRC had failed to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks within its borders, it would have
had dire consequences for Taiwan and the entire East Asia region. Given Taiwan’s close
proximity and soured relations, it is reasonable to ask whether China’s ability to
contain COVID-19 has changed Taiwan’s cold sentiment towards the PRC.
Our survey findings are bad news for Beijing: China’s COVID-19 experience has not
made Taiwan people warm up toward the PRC; on the contrary, for many in Taiwan, COVID-19
is another example of the PRC state’s deficiencies."
Read on at https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/03/11/taiwans-people-are-not-impressed-with-chinas-zero-covid-status/.
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