Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the OC Register May 19, 2010
Can't stop playing 'Rock Band' or 'Guitar Hero II'? Blame your addiction on sociology alumnus Chris Canfield who helped create them
Prize is awarded once every three years and includes presentation of a general lecture at APSA’s 2010 annual meeting
Honor recognizes group’s efforts to promote peaceful, open dialogue on Israel-Palestine conflict
Documentary by UCI Chicano/Latino studies professor Gilbert Gonzalez explores history of the Bracero Program
Michael McBride, economics associate professor, is featured in the New York Times May 13, 2010
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor will discuss immigration policies of the cities of Costa Mesa and Santa Ana
UCI’s Mock Trial program wraps up another successful season with a 5th place finish at nationals
California's 47th district representative discussed recent education funding cuts, immigration policy, and national healthcare as a guest lecturer in undergrad political science class
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