OC’s Latino community remains behind on COVID-19 vaccines one year later
OC’s Latino community remains behind on COVID-19 vaccines one year later
- December 20, 2021
- Alana LeBron, Chicano/Latino studies, Voice of OC, Dec. 20, 2021
“Latinos have also been neglected, quite frankly, by our public health system — obviously at all levels and in the way the politics have operated during COVID,” said Alana LeBrón, a UC Irvine [assistant professor of public health] who focuses on how structural racism produces public health inequities. … “Everybody’s busy and sometimes it’s not really just about the vaccine hesitancy or anything like that — sometimes it’s just about convenience, convenience, convenience. This strategy assumes that if you offer it and lower the threshold of activation, people will take you up on it and I think it’s very smart,” said Dr. Shruti Gohil, an infectious disease doctor who treats COVID patients at the UCI Medical Center [and assistant clinical professor, School of Medicine]. … Epidemiologists, like Daniel Parker, [UCI assistant professor of public health], also agree school sites are foundational in reducing vaccine disparities.
For the full story, please visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/voiceofoc.org/2021/12/ocs-latino-community-remains-behind-on-covid-19-vaccines-one-year-later/__;!!OLgoXmg!GlNx1-jdbMTOSoKVL-bHRQBQBB8HENCINfpReDE1A4Lzg1x6xCbYIg2F_n_be_06Bg$.
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