U.S. acts decisively to protect Asian Americans - but drags its feet on protecting Black Americans

U.S. acts decisively to protect Asian Americans - but drags its feet on protecting Black Americans
- July 20, 2021
- Claire Jean Kim, poli sci, MS. Magazine, July 20, 2021
Claire Jean Kim, UCI professor of political science and Asian American studies writes, “In May, President Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act into law. The text of the law condemns the recent upsurge in anti-Asian harassment and violence and proposes to address it by streamlining the prosecution of these attacks as “hate crimes” and funding state and local law enforcement programs that seek to prevent or punish “hate crimes.” (Expressing a carceral sensibility, the law has drawn criticism from those who say it contradicts Black Lives Matter’s focus on “defunding” the police and abolishing the prison system.)
For the full story, please visit https://msmagazine.com/2021/07/20/black-lives-matter-covid-19-hate-crimes-act-congress-george-floyd-justice-in-policing/.
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