Why Epic is burning its own cash to cook Apple
Why Epic is burning its own cash to cook Apple
- May 3, 2021
- Bill Maurer, anthropology, The Verge, May 3, 2021
Apple’s revenue split from digital purchases is a little complicated — it’s got special
rates for small developers, for instance — but in Epic’s case, Apple gets 30 percent
of all in-app purchases. That’s in line with Minitel, the French pre-internet, which
also had a 30 / 70 split for third-party content, says Bill Maurer, a professor of
anthropology at the University of California Irvine who specializes in payment processors.
Frankly, it looks like a carrier fee.
For the full story, please visit https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/3/22412899/epic-apple-trial-rules-investment-app-payment.
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