The true story of the minimum-wage fight (Ep. 460)

The true story of the minimum-wage fight (Ep. 460)
- April 28, 2021
- David Neumark, economics, Freakonomics, April 28, 2021 (Podcast)
David Neumark, [Distinguished Professor], is a labor economist at the University of
California, Irvine. NEUMARK: I’d say my mission as an economic researcher is to really
try to provide the most solid and most objective evidence I can on policy questions,
and the ones I’m most interested in are policy questions relating to inequality. Really,
two dimensions I focus on. One is anti-poverty policy: How do we raise earnings of
people at the bottom? And the other dimension I focus on is discrimination. DUBNER:
So if you’re concerned with anti-poverty, I would assume that you are a big supporter
of minimum-wage laws, including the new proposed $15 federal minimum-wage law, yes?
NEUMARK: Not exactly, no.
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