Commentary: Asking the right questions about race and policing
Commentary: Asking the right questions about race and policing
- February 12, 2021
- Bocar Ba, economics, Science, Feb. 12, 2021 (Commentary)
On page 696 of this issue, Bocar Ba, [UCI assistant professor of economics] et al.
(3) analyze officer demographics and police behavior in Chicago and show that Black
officers use force less often than white officers. Such advances in quantitative social
science on racism in policing (4) should be applauded. … Yet, even as emerging work
such as that of Ba et al. begins to identify ways to combat seemingly obvious racism
in policing, their findings suggest the need to engage a question that poses an even
more fundamental challenge to established thinking in the field: whether and when
police can be the right solution to social problems.
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