Opinion: The winner takes it all: Academic explains why America’s two-party system isn’t going anywhere

Opinion: The winner takes it all: Academic explains why America’s two-party system isn’t going anywhere
- January 23, 2021
- Tony Smith, poli sci, Sputnik, Jan. 23, 2021 (Opinion)
The creation of a new political party in the US would be fraught with numerous risks, and would be unlikely to succeed due to the rigid nature of the American two-party system, says Charles Anthony Smith, a political science and law professor from the University of California, Irvine, and a US leading expert on gerrymandering. … The problem for Trump, according to the academic, is that “he does not have a roster of policy positions. It’s very hard to build a party just on personality. … You can’t really build a party if…the person who leads the party goes away.”
For the full story, please visit https://sputniknews.com/analysis/202101231081859409-the-winner-takes-it-all-academic-explains-why-americas-two-party-system-isnt-going-anywhere/.
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