Opinion: Lives versus livelihoods: cost-benefit analysis of lockdown needs to be done before opening up
Opinion: Lives versus livelihoods: cost-benefit analysis of lockdown needs to be done before opening up
- May 22, 2020
- Priyaranjan Jha, economics, The Indian Express, May 22, 2020 (Opinion)
Priyaranjan Jha, UCI professor of economics writes, “The main benefit of the mitigation
efforts comes from the lives saved. According to one estimate in an influential paper
by Neil Ferguson and co-authors of Imperial College London, enhanced social distancing
of the type adopted in India could potentially save 2 million lives compared to the
case without any mitigation efforts. How does one evaluate the economic benefits of
2 million lives saved?”
For the full story, please visit https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/coronavirus-india-lockdown-lives-versus-livelihoods-migrant-workers-6422854/.
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