Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, in the Los Angeles Times, March 27, 2019
Edwin Amenta, sociologist, explains how an obsession with statistics has made teams better than ever, but the game is now more tedious for fans to watch
Research by sociologists Andrew Penner and Jaclyn Wong in the National Post, March 27, 2019
First gen faculty member and mentor Glenda M. Flores earns honors for teaching, research on Latina educators
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, via AP, The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC Los Angeles and multiple outlets nationwide, March 21, 2019
Competitive campus program will give recipients advanced training in pedagogy, educational development, and job market preparation
How sociology grad student Vanessa Kauffman's passion for social change fuels her research on women and minority participation in biomedical research
Research by UCI sociologists David Snow and Rachel Goldberg featured by Voice of OC, March 18, 2019
Local high school students participating in UCI's new Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Healing Ambassador Program are countering stereotypes
UCI cognitive scientist Sara C. Mednick studies the science of sleep and its impact on memory
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