Toddlers may not give a totally honest answer when you ask this kind of question, study finds
Toddlers may not give a totally honest answer when you ask this kind of question, study finds
- July 25, 2019
- Emily Sumner, cog sci graduate student, in Romper, July 25, 2019
In an interview with Futurity, Emily Sumner, the study's lead author and a doctoral
candidate in cognitive sciences at the University of California, Irvine, said the
differences between verbal and nonverbal answers was likely related to children's
working memory. "When a child is pointing, they can see the options and choose their
actual preference," Sumner told Futurity. "When they have no visual references and
only hear 'or,' they're able to hold onto the most recently mentioned option by depending
on the phonological loop."
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