A goddess inspired a Taiwanese billionaire to follow Trump's example

A goddess inspired a Taiwanese billionaire to follow Trump's example
- April 18, 2019
- Lev Nachman, poli sci grad student, via CNN, April 18, 2019
Lev Nachman, an expert on Taiwanese politics at the University of California, Irvine,
said that Gou had one thing in particular that the KMT needs: Funding. "Terry Gou
is one of the wealthiest businessmen in Taiwan and would essentially be able to finance
his own campaign," he said. "That's a big deal for the KMT right now."
For the full story, please visit https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/18/asia/taiwan-terry-gou-foxconn-president-intl/index.html.
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