Opinion: Moneyball is ruining baseball
Opinion: Moneyball is ruining baseball
- March 28, 2019
- Edwin Amenta, sociology, via Marketwatch, Alternet, and Connecticut Post, March 28, 2019
Edwin Amenta, professor of sociology, University of California, Irvine writes, “Since
sportswriter Henry Chadwick popularized the box score in the 19th century, baseball
fans have had a love affair with statistics. Many can recite records like Joe DiMaggio’s
56-game hitting streak, Rickey Henderson’s 130 stolen bases or Barry Bonds’ 73 home
runs in one season. But have statistics ruined the game fans love?”
For the full story, please visit https://www.marketwatch.com/story/moneyball-has-made-baseball-games-boring-2019-03-28.
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