The fight over partisan gerrymandering is moving beyond the supreme court

The fight over partisan gerrymandering is moving beyond the supreme court
- March 26, 2019
- Bernie Grofman, poli sci, via FiveThirtyEight, March 26, 2019
In a recent paper, Bernard Grofman, a political scientist at the University of California-Irvine,
and Jonathan Cervas, who just completed a political science Ph.D. there, pointed to
a tally by another scholar that showed that there are 12 states with constitutions
that have provisions basically identical to the one the Pennsylvania court relied
on, while another dozen or so states have similar language in their constitutions.
… “I think it’s fair to anticipate that we will be seeing more litigation over this
issue in the state courts, regardless of what happens at the Supreme Court,” Grofman
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