Red lipstick and gold hoops: attitudes toward makeup are changing at work

Red lipstick and gold hoops: attitudes toward makeup are changing at work
- February 19, 2019
- Glenda Flores, Chicano/Latino studies, via Marketplace Feb. 19, 2019
As women of color from working class origins enter middle-class occupations, they
may face repercussions and sanctions for how they express their identity, according
to Glenda Flores, an associate professor of Chicano/Latino studies at the University
of California, Irvine. In some fields, like law, Chicana women describe wardrobes
that consist of "conservative high heels," pantsuits or skirts in "blue, red, and
black," "natural make-up" and "pearl or small gold earrings," according to the paper
"They Are Testing You All the Time" by Gladys García-López and Denise A . Segura.
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