“Capitalism is so much easier!” Learning savings through playing a board game
“Capitalism is so much easier!” Learning savings through playing a board game
- January 26, 2018
- IMTFI in The Geek Anthropologist, Jan. 26, 2018
Farah Qureshi and the IMTFI/Loy Loy Team at UC Irvine, write, “In November 2017, our team from UC Irvine’s Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) carried a role-playing board game to the American Anthropological Association’s (AAA) annual conference in Washington D.C.. Loy Loy (which means “Money Money” in Khmer) is a financial education tool being developed by IMTFI to teach players how one type of rotating savings and credit association (ROSCA) works.”
For the full story, please visit https://thegeekanthropologist.com/2018/01/26/capitalism-is-so-much-easier-learning-savings-through-playing-a-board-game/.
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