Oludayo Tade, IMTFI researcher and lecturer of criminology, victimology, deviance and social problems, University of Ibadan, via The Conversation
Professor and Falmagne Endowed Chair, Cognitive Sciences | Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 1995
Sibel Kusimba, IMTFI researcher and Anthropologist-in-Residence at American University, cited in Next Billion Blog, September 11, 2017
Sociology grad student will continue research on growth machine politics in Mexico City, thanks to the National Science Foundation's GRFP
New study by IMTFI postdoctoral scholar finds efforts to curtail cash use hurts poor and does little to stop terrorism financing
Professor, Anthropology, Law and Director, International Studies | Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1995 | BA(Hons) and LLB, University of Melbourne, Australia, Law School, 1988
UCI Long U.S.-China Institute partners with Global Chinese Philanthropy Initiative on major study
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