2016 graduate Daniel Cano is determined to make education more accessible for minority groups and first gen students like him
Hear what poli sci professor Matt Beckmann has to say about the media's influence on Presidential politics in this installment of the Social Sciences Expert On series
David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, on New York's minimum wage, courtesy of Reason.com, May 17, 2016
Mark Petracca, political science associate professor, on the California Primaries, courtesy of PBS, Inside OC, May 17, 2016
Vicki Ruiz, Distinguished Professor of history and chair of Chicano/Latino studies, featured in Orange Coast Magazine May 16, 2016
David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, on discriminatory hiring practices, courtesy of the Miami Herald, May 16, 2016
Op-ed by Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor, in The Washington Post, May 16, 2016
Op-ed by Kelsey Norman, political science graduate student, on the Middle East refugee crisis, courtesy of The Washington Post, May 14, 2016
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, on Clinton vs Sanders, courtesy of Southern California Radio, May 9, 2016
David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, in the Pasadena Star-News on job loss created by minimum wage hike
Leo Chavez, anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies professor, on the Latino experience in the U.S., courtesy of The Boston Globe, May 6, 2016
Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor, explains in new Washington Post op-ed
Daniela Estrada, UCI political science undergrad and aspiring lawyer, is awarded coveted Truman Scholarship
'Celebration of Teaching' highlights campus commitment to excellence in the classroom and a superior student experience
Angela Jenks, anthropology lecturer, on encouraging accountability in students, courtesy of Teaching in Higher Ed, May 5, 2016 (Audio)
Jeffrey Kopstein, political science professor, featured by The Canadian Jewish News, May 4, 2016
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's professor, on minimum wage and job loss, courtesy of PolitiFact Florida, May 4, 2016
Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor, on racial resentment, courtesy of The New York Times, May 4, 2016
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