Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, comments on Fox News Latino, June 7, 2016
Chicano/Latino studies alumna Mariana Arcila '08 is now a therapist for underserved communities in Long Beach
Mark Petracca, political science associate professor, in the Orange County Register, June 6, 2016
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, on California's primary via Fox News Latino, June 6, 2016
Mimi Ito, MacArthur chair and anthropology and informatics professor, on kids and Mincecarft via Fatherly, June 6, 2016
Prism goggles trick the brain into rewiring the visual cortex, providing insight into its plasticity
UCI researchers find that personal grooming habits can affect women's salaries more than men's
Social sciences taps Petracca's energy and passion for pushing student success through reappointment as associate dean of undergrad studies
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, on citizenship issues pre-elections, courtesy of Southern California Public Radio, May 31, 2016
$507,312 grant awarded to analyze the experiences, attitudes and barriers to integration and success among the nation's fastest-growing racial group
Mark Petracca, political science associate professor, on local election issues via the Orange County Register, May 27, 2016
Dorothy Solinger, political science professor, on China's urban poor, courtesy of The Guardian, May 27, 2016
David Meyer, UCI sociologist, on Trump and Sanders' similarities via the Marketplace, May 26, 2016
UCI competition challenges students to design machines that can search for disaster victims
Kelsey Norman, political science graduate student, on the Syrian refugee crisis -Marketplace, May 25, 2016
Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor on the Trump-Clinton match-up, courtesy of The Washington Post, May 25, 2016
Research by Andrew Penner, sociologist, and Jaclyn Wong, sociology alumnus, featured by NBC The Chat, May 24, 2016
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