“After you graduate, you might feel like you’re all alone with just your wits and résumé. And we’re always told things like ‘the future is made with your choices.’ But always know there are others there with you, others who have gone before and will help guide you, others behind you cheering you on. You, too, will therefore have the obligation to be there for those who come after, into a world that you all will have helped to make, together.”  − Bill Maurer, dean, UC Irvine School of Social Sciences

“A life that is meaningful and joyful, and a world that works for all, require that you be generous and compassionate with yourself and others in all endeavors; follow your curiosity wherever it takes you; forgive what’s unforgivable.” − Paula Garb, codirector, UC Irvine Center for Citizen Peacebuilding

“My advice for college graduates would be to travel the world for a while and if possible to intern/work abroad before jumping into a graduate career or job. It is difficult to have the time, responsibility, and mental flexibility to do this later in life, and we are facing more and more global challenges that can only be solved by people with global perspectives and experiences.” − Daniel Wehrenfennig, executive director, the Olive Tree Initiative

For the full story, please visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-a-moodian/advice-for-class-of-2016_b_10119836.html?utm_hp_ref=education&ir=Education.