Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by FiveThirtyEight Economics Nov 30, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by Money Q&A Nov. 27, 2015
Christopher Galeano, political science undergrad, is featured by the Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun and Chicago Tribune Nov. 25, 2015
Bill Maurer, anthropology professor and social sciences dean, is quoted by Inside Higher Ed Nov. 25, 2015
An op-ed by Michael Tesler, political science professor, is featured in The Washington Post Nov. 24, 2015
David Meyer, sociology professor, is quoted by Southern California Public Radio Nov. 23, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by Crain's New York Business Nov. 22, 2015
Igor Bobic, UCI poli sci honors alumnus '10 and current associate politics editor at The Huffington Post gives personal perspective on refugee debate
Louis DeSipio's comments on immigration reform picked as The Wall Street Journal quote of the day Nov. 20, 2015
Anthro grad student receives three years of NSF funding for research on alternative therapy
As more Mexicans leave the U.S. than arrive, largest wave of immigration in modern American history ends, causing major labor concerns in the U.S., says DeSipio, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal
Poli sci prof Bernie Grofman proposes new boundaries for Virginia's first-fourth congressional districts that give African-American voters "a realistic opportunity to elect candidates of choice"
Bernie Grofman, Peltason Chair in political science, is featured by The Virginian Pilot Nov. 17, 2015
Bernie Grofman, political science professor, is featured in The Standard Times Nov. 17, 2015
Simone Chambers, political science professor, on the nature, the rules, and the challenges of war and peace, yesterday and today - courtesy of CBC Radio
Project utilizes new MEG technology based on Sagnac interferometer developed by UCI physicist
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