Hector Martinez, sociology graduate student, has been recognized with the Order of Merit Outstanding Service Award for his contributions to the social sciences community as a mentor, teacher and researcher.

The first generation college student has not only excelled in his studies since arriving at UCI from New York, but has gone above and beyond to serve faculty and fellow students. In addition to his multiple roles in the Chicano/Latino Graduate Student Collective, Martinez has participated in the DECADE program (Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience) and worked as a peer mentor, assistant and teaching assistant in the Department of Sociology.

As a mentor, Martinez assists undergrads with graduate school applications, identifying career goals and organizing workshops to assist those looking to attend graduate school. He has assisted with similar grad school-related workshops through DECADE, and organizes get-togethers, writing groups and volunteer opportunities for members of the Chicano Latino Student Collective, which he co-founded.

He is also continuing work on his dissertation, which examines African-American barbershops as institutions of support within their respective communities.

The award carries a $500 prize.