A boycott’s ‘aftermath’

A boycott’s ‘aftermath’
- November 7, 2014
- Mohammed Wattad, political science visiting assistant professor, is quoted by Inside Higher Ed Nov. 7, 2014
From Inside Higher Ed:
American Studies Association’s annual meeting …. Tensions surrounding organization’s
year-old academic boycott of Israel were already flaring. … Mohammed Wattad …. Visiting
professor at the University of California, Irvine, said … academic boycotts are anathema
to free speech, especially in the U.S, where the notion means not just “the right
to talk, but the right to talk to someone, with someone.”
For the full story, please visit https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/11/07/panel-criticizes-asas-israel-boycott-associations-annual-meeting.
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