Bitcoin: Does digital currency represent the future of money, or is it just a high-tech fad?

Bitcoin: Does digital currency represent the future of money, or is it just a high-tech fad?
- September 26, 2014
- Bill Maurer, anthropology professor and social sciences dean, is featured in the OC Metro October 2014 issue
From the OC Metro:
UC Irvine has emerged as a source of cutting-edge research on the new digital currency.
… I turned to anthropologist Bill Maurer, director of the Institute for Money, Technology
and Financial Inclusion at UC Irvine, who told me that it’s true the Bitcoin user
base is still heavily populated by 22-to 45-year-old white men with libertarian or
conservative leanings. … “For the first time since the Civil War, you’ve got a lot
of really smart young people thinking creatively about whether money is just some
mind of underlying commodity or whether it is part of an agreement that we as a community
make to better our society,” Maurer says. “That’s very exciting.”
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