Misplaced mustering for minimum wage

Misplaced mustering for minimum wage
- September 5, 2014
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in Metro News September 5, 2014
From Metro News:
There are many other arguments against compulsory pay raises for entry level jobs
– higher unemployment among low skilled workers, more financial strain on small businesses
– but if we believe the working poor should get more, there’s a better way. David
Neumark, economics professor and director of the Center for Economics and Public Policy
at the University of California, Irvine, has researched the minimum wage argument
extensively. He says most economists agree that raising the minimum wage is an inefficient
method of getting more money in the hands of poor workers.
For the full story, please visit http://wvmetronews.com/2014/09/05/misplaced-mustering-for-minimum-wage/.
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