Wedding rebound: Cupid’s work paying off at the altar again

Wedding rebound: Cupid’s work paying off at the altar again
- August 2, 2014
- Judy Treas, sociology professor and Center for Demographic & Social Analysis director, is quoted in the Orange County Register August 2, 2014
From the OC Register:
An increase in the number of marriages is often an indicator of the economy, particularly
the job market, picking up, said Judith Treas, professor of sociology and Director
of the Center for Demographic and Social Analysis at UC Irvine. “People always feel
they need money to get married so they can spring $2,000 or $20,000 for the ring,
get their own place, have that dream wedding, a romantic honeymoon and a bridal suite
at the Hyatt,” she said. “It all costs money.”
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