Want a grant? First review someone else's proposal

Want a grant? First review someone else's proposal
- July 17, 2014
- Don Saari, economics and mathematics Distinguished Professor, is featured in Science July 17, 2014
From Science:
Merrifield teamed up with mathematician Donald Saari of the University of California,
Irvine, who has written extensively about voting systems, to suggest what Merrifield
acknowledges is a “radical alternative.” The idea, rooted in mathematical game theory,
is to alter the rules in ways that bring the competition closer to achieving its goals.
In NSF’s case, that meant distributing the evaluation workload more equitably and
providing reviewers with a positive incentive to do a good job. The agency calls its
approach mechanism design, and it begins by having grant applicants agree to review
seven proposals submitted by their competitors.
For the full story, please visit http://news.sciencemag.org/policy/2014/07/want-grant-first-review-someon....
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