When it comes to numbers, culture counts

When it comes to numbers, culture counts
- June 18, 2014
- Research by Barbara Sarnecka, cognitive sciences professor, is featured by Phys.org June 18, 2014
From Phys.org:
Based on each child's success rate with numbers one through eight, the researchers
could classify them into different stages of number learning… The findings suggest
that these stages of number-learning are a necessary part of the process of building
number concepts, says Barbara Sarnecka, an associate professor of cognitive sciences
at the University of California, Irvine…"Basically, everyone seems to follow the same
path to number knowledge, whether they are a preschooler in a highly industrialized,
numerate society or a 12-year-old in a farming and foraging society in Bolivia. That
tells us a lot about how number concepts are built in the mind," she says.
For the full story, please visit http://phys.org/news/2014-06-culture.html.
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