Amodei: Cantor loss won’t stop immigration reform

Amodei: Cantor loss won’t stop immigration reform
- June 11, 2014
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is quoted by the Reno Gazette-Journal June 11, 2014
From the Reno-Gazette Journal:
The death knell of immigration reform that comes with Cantor’s defeat puts more pressure
on President Barack Obama to reduce deportations of undocumented immigrants whose
only crime is being in the United States illegally, said Louis DeSipio, professor
of political science and Latino studies at the University of California, Irvine. The
Obama administration had been waiting to see if the House would act on immigration
reform. “The ball is in the administration’s court to use the powers that they have,”
DeSipio said. “Nobody is counting on Congress anymore.”
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