Study ties hard work to Asian students’ higher grades. What’s your excuse?

Study ties hard work to Asian students’ higher grades. What’s your excuse?
- May 5, 2014
- Research by Jennifer Lee, sociology professor, is featured in The Washington Post May 5, 2014
From The Washington Post:
A study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
finds that hard work is the reason why Asian-American students do better in school
than their white peers... Jennifer Lee, a professor at the University of California,
Irvine, said she sees the paper as "a very powerful and informative piece of empirical
research that pushes the debate forward." Yet she also noted what she sees as the
limitations of the authors' method. Lee argued that wealth and education among Asian-American
communities as a whole have an important effect on how students learn. Tutoring is
freely available in some Korean churches in Los Angeles, noted Lee, who wrote a commentary
accompanying Hsin and Xie's research.
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